OPAWC – Organization Promoting Afghan Women’s Capabilities
Association made up of relatives of the victims of the massacres committed in Afghanistan during the civil war of 1992-1996.
After the fall of Afghan President Najibullah in the first months of 1992, all the factions of the mujahideen who had fought against the Soviet occupation forces in the years of the invasion (1978-1987) and then against the pro-Soviet regime began a violent war for control of the capital and the provinces.
Between 1992 and 1996 Kabul was the scene of bloody fighting, which caused the death of thousands of civilians and the destruction of much of the city. Most of the commanders in chief during this factional war are responsible for crimes against humanity.
Despite the numerous testimonies and clear evidence of this reality, many of the leaders of the armed factions have subsequently held political and institutional positions in the governments that have followed one another from the fall of the Taliban regime (2001) to the present day.
The aim of OPAWC is to make women aware of their rights and their role within society. The organization provides the population with entirely free services with a view to promoting rights, democracy and support for civil society without distinction of ethnic origin. The three main sectors in which OPAWC operates are: health, education and income generating projects
OPAWC continues to seek creative and diverse ways for Afghan women to build a future through the three-pronged approach of education, economic opportunity and health.
The aims of the organization are: to restore peace and harmony in Afghanistan, improve the cultural, social and economic level of women by offering literacy and crafts courses, which allow them to acquire awareness of their rights and develop working potential and skills.
How and when the organization was born
In 2003, a group of women volunteers began working to create sustainable opportunities for Afghan women: the aim was to help them escape the vicious cycle of dependence and victimisation.
Literacy courses are thus organized throughout the country, which take place in back rooms or classrooms. Here women can let their search for knowledge emerge, safe from forces that could hinder them.
Cisda has always collaborated with Opawc, seeking funding to contribute to the continuity of their projects:
Since 2010 it has been a partner of the Hamoon Health Center project in Farah financed by Opera San Francesco (OSF).
Also since 2010, it has been a partner with the Insieme Si Pu Association of Belluno in the project which involves the distribution of goats to widows and needy families.
Since 2007 it has been a partner with the Cospe and No-Mad Associations of the project for the Vocational Training Center in Kabul financed for three years by the Tuscany Region. She contributed to the purchase of an ambulance for the Hamoon Health Center in Farah.